CalBiz Loans provides a 3-step approach to Evaluate, Package and Place your Business loan request. CalBiz Loans has succesfully placed hundreds of business loans covering all loan types: Lines of Credit, Equipment purchase, Asset Based Loans, purchae/refinance of commercial real estate, construction loans, specialty projects (hotels, Gas Stations, multi-family) SBA 7a and 504 loans, USDA, CalCap and California State Loan Guaranteed loans. We use the underwriting guidelines banks use to evaluate loan requests. We format the Loan Request the way that Lenders want eliminating the fluff and focusing on the supporting financial analysis.   

Zero Cost to Start. CalBiz Loans understands that paying up front for a service without knowing if you will be approved for a business loan, is difficult. That is why we engage our services with no fees due up front and no fee paid unless you close your loan request. Our services cost .50% of final approved loan amount. Most brokers will charge you a percentage of your loan - ranging from 1.00% to 2.00%. On a $1,000,000 loan, your company will save from $5,000 to $15,000 for the same loan amount. 

BankProfiles Databse. We utilize our own proprietary database of every bank in the United States to provide a quick and efficient matching process that save significant time in the loan request process. Our database take financial metrics from the FDIC and information on loan products and markets served and legal lending limits to match your request to the bank that fits your needs.  

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